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If you are reading these Lenten devotionals, I assume that you are looking for something meaningful in these weeks leading up to Easter. Maybe you are trying out some new spiritual habits for the first time. Perhaps this is the rhythm that guides you during Lent each year. Maybe someone put this in your hands and suggested that you read it. For all of us, my hope is the same—that we would encounter Jesus in the readings, reflections, and prayers, and that through those encounters, we would be shaped by Christ. May we be like Jeremiah, who heard from the Lord and spoke to Israel, “like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.”
These devotionals are an offering from many in our church community. Their different perspectives and styles help us hear the gospel in different ways, and they enrich our faith journey. It is good to follow Jesus in the company of others! I hope that you will join us in worship on Sundays as we give attention to the transformational stories of Jesus, culminating in the triumph of Easter.
May the Lord bless you!
Pastor Molly Simpson