“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Several years ago, my husband, Bob, and I journeyed with our church family in a small group study to read the entire Bible in 90 days. It was quite a challenge for me, reading twelve pages each day for the course of 90 consecutive days. We could finally say, “We read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.” In all honesty, it was probably not the best idea, if you want to retain what you read. God’s Word isn’t meant to “speed read;” it is meant for us to nurture a living relationship with God, serve and love others in Christ’s image.
About six years ago, our daughter, Megan was invited to an evening Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class in Waco while she lived in Hewitt. She expressed such delight in reading the notes, answering questions, hearing lecture and discussing in a small group setting. Bob and I are so thankful she was led to study God’s word so faithfully, in this delicate stage, as a young adult.
Megan would share specific lessons with me, as it touched her life situation, and her joy and dedication moved me to ask more questions about this particular study group. After all, I witnessed the Holy Spirit transforming her!
A few months had passed, and I was invited to attend a BSF welcome group on Fort Hood. After being introduced to this international, non-denominational four-fold approach to Bible study, I was asked to join a prayer group to let God work in calling out the leadership for an evening BSF group in our community. There was already a day class that met in Killeen, but no class was offered for working women. In the winter of 2014, God answered our prayer; a pilot class had been formed to start an
Evening BSF Women and School Aged Children Class, and the invitation was made for FUMC Killeen to become its host church. I believe it was God’s will for our church campus to fulfill the needs of this important ministry—a light on the hill.
The pilot class was a success with nearly 140 women and 30 school-aged children coming to understand the depth of God’s love. Since then, we have extended the invitation to our women of the church and community to share in this spectacular study. An Evening BSF Men’s Class has been formed, through prayer, and hosted at First Baptist Church in Belton. Bob accepted the invitation to join the Men’s BSF Class in 2017 for the study of John, and I believe he feels privileged to share his on-going
experience. We enjoy studying the Bible lessons together, and we witness God’s wonderful transformation in both of us. We have an Almighty God who loves us beyond our comprehension, and we learn that we grow in Christ’s image when we spend time in His Word through scripture, prayer, and worship.
Gracious God, Your love is greater than we can fully understand. You seek us out through so many opportunities to grow in Your Word. Help us to listen to Your call and actively respond by inviting our neighbors as we are nurtured in Your wisdom, grace, and love. We ask this in the Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.