This date for this year’s Lenten Devotional booklet is significant for me personally
because April 17 is the birthday of our oldest son, Mark Andrew Honchul. In the scripture, verse 1, “Stand fast in the Lord.” We had a previous pregnancy loss, but I believed with faith and perseverance in the will of God, and His will did prevail.
As we continue reading in this scripture in verse 4, “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.” With military moves and three other lost pregnancies, we rejoiced 4 ½ years later to welcome Daris Melissa (Missy) Honchul. We THOUGHT our family was complete. Reading in verse 9, “Keep on doing the things that you have learned and heard and seen and the God of peace will be with you” was oh so true.
We continued with military moves and were foster parents in Panama for the Army Community Services and in Killeen for the Methodist Homes in Waco and San Antonio. After 10 years more, we adopted Chris from Waco and Deana from San Antonio. Yes, in verse 13, “We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.”
Dear God and Father of all, May we continue faithful to the Word and believe to have joy and be thankful for all You bestow on us. Amen.