Posted on Mar 22, 2017 in Events |
Be sure to join us tonight at 5:15pm as Radical Hospitality provides the meal for WOW this evening!
See the photo above for the menu!
Following the meal, at 6:20pm our Taize Communion Service will begin in the Sanctuary.
Directly following Communion, children and youth activities will begin!
We hope to see you there!
Posted on Jan 17, 2017 in Events |

The Radical Hospitality Team again would like to invite you to participate in our annual 46-day Lenten Devotional Booklet, which will be available for each family in the church. The team wants this to be useful, personal, and helpful for our church family. We are inviting you to submit personal testimonies to be included in the booklet. We are excited about this endeavor and hope you will share your expressions of faith with our church family.
The submissions last year were wonderful and extremely well received. We encourage you to share your experiences, your testimonials, your thoughts, and/or your teachings with us as we think ahead to the Lenten season. The personal connections are especially effective and give our church family the reality of living a life close to God.
The sign-up sheets are located on a table near the Welcome Center.
You may choose any date you wish.
Here is the format for your devotional:
- Begin with an appropriate Bible verse
- Include the daily devotional
- Conclude with a short prayer
- No more than 380 words, single-spaced
There are 46 days of Lent, so we need 46 responses. A committee will review and edit as needed.
Please email the submissions to Phyllis Wheeler at, or Lisa Kure at We will also be at the Sunday services, and you may certainly turn them in to us there.
The deadline is Monday, February 6, 2017.
Posted on Dec 9, 2016 in Events, Uncategorized |

All members of UMW as well as all women of our congregation are invited to the 9th Annual Epiphany Brunch at FUMC Temple on January 7th, 2017 from 9:30am – 12pm.
Pastor Jeff’s lovely wife will be the speaker and she will be speaking on how to deepen our prayer lives.
Please ensure that you RSVP no later than January 4th to either Jacque Watson (254-774-9824 or or Ilene Miller (254-778-4369 or
If child care is needed, please ensure that you include your children’s names and ages in your emails for RSVP.
Posted on Dec 2, 2016 in Events |

Be sure to join us for the annual Service of Lessons and Carols
on December 11th!
The service will be held at 9:30am and 11:00am.
Communion will be served during a short service at 9:15am.
There will be NO 7:45am service so that all may come and enjoy the beautiful voices of our Chancel Choir and the Lessons they will present!
Posted on Nov 12, 2016 in Events |

Join us as we hang wreaths to honor
veterans of Central Texas!
On Nov. 26th, at 10am, the wreaths will be placed on the headstones of all of the brave veterans who have gone before us.
Please join us as we participate in this amazing opportunity to honor those veterans who have gone before us and to show appreciation for their great sacrifice.
Posted on Nov 10, 2016 in Events |

Join us November 20th, after the 11:00 service, for our annual Thanksliving potluck dinner!
The United Methodist Men will be cooking the turkeys and setting up for this amazing meal and the circles of the United Methodist Women will be providing other dishes for the meal. The congregation is asked to bring a side dish as well.
A silent auction will also be held from 8am-1pm. The congregation is encouraged to bring in items that would be purchased as a Christmas gift for someone else-handmade items, gift baskets, spiritual
treasures and Christmas-themed gifts are encouraged!
Credit cards will be accepted along with checks and cash for items in the silent auction.
All proceeds from both the Thanksliving donation basket will benefit Aldersgate and the silent auction will benefit Global Missions.
POC: Laura Winckel, or Nessa Austin,
Posted on Sep 12, 2016 in Events |

Join us tomorrow, September 13th, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall!
Posted on Aug 29, 2016 in Events |

Join us August 31st, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall for this information session regarding the vision for leadership in our church.
A light snack supper will be provided and nursery services will be available.
Plan to attend
Encourage your team to attend
Invite others to attend
Posted on Aug 16, 2016 in Events |

Don’t forget – the Young Adult Ministry will start meeting this Sunday, August 21st, from 11am – 12pm in Room 104.
If you are between the ages of 18 & 30, come discuss your hopes and dreams for young adult ministry, start off the school year in prayer for our college folks, and enjoy some fellowship to launch this exciting new ministry!
Posted on Aug 14, 2016 in Events |

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