“Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord’ And you forgave the guilt of my sin.”
Psalm 32:5
During Lent, we often give up “things.” I usually give up carbohydrates because I need to! But like David as he struggled with his sin, I need to give up trying not to sin. I simply cannot do it. None of us can. I can think of lost opportunities and things I wish I hadn’t said. I feel so tremendously guilty and it hurts, just as David did in Psalm 32. With Easter, though, we have this amazing forgiveness that no human can ever extend to us.
Consider this Lenten season, giving up the fruitless measure of trying not to sin. It can’t be done on our own anyway. Look up to the Majesty of the Cross and the grace of Resurrection and keep your eyes focused there. The results will be better than you can ever imagine. His thoughts and plans for us are beyond anything imaginable! Many heartfelt blessings this beautiful Lenten season!
Father, Your beauty and forgiveness is beyond compare. I am constantly amazed at Your goodness and love for me. I don’t deserve it. Yet, you fulfill every need with Your steadfast love! Thank You for Jesus and His dying just for me. Thank You that You have chosen me to belong to You. Please forgive me of my sin. Please forgive anything in my life that keeps me from You. Thank You for my family, my friends, this awesome church, but mostly, thank You for You. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Contributed by Kerry Perez