Day 21: Tuesday, March 6th, 2018


“For the word of God is living and active…”

Hebrews 4:12

We have a large bird feeder hanging from a tree limb in our backyard.  It is several years old, as the rust around its edges testifies.  I enjoy watching many species of birds coming to the feeder: brightly colored Cardinals who are fussy and chase other birds away; lots of white-wing doves who try to perch upon the feeder only to prefer to eat seed dropped upon the ground; the occasional Stellar’s Jay (Blue Jay) who is aggressive but only sticks around for a little while; numerous Chickadees and Wrens who constantly  fly from the nearby hedges to the feeder for a quick bite.  We keep our feeder filled with various kinds of bird seed: premium songbird, sunflower seeds, or just the economy seed mix.  When we forget to fill the feeder, the birds don’t come around as much.  I suppose they find nourishment elsewhere.

I think the feeder is like the Bible.  Like the bird feeder, the Word of God is available for anyone (no matter what kind of “bird” we are), anytime, no matter the circumstances, day or night.  It provides necessary spiritual “food” (no matter the kind of seed/translation) and never needs refilling.

When do we read and meditate on the Word of God?  Do we only read and meditate on the Holy Scriptures when it’s convenient in Sunday school or worship?  Only when we go to the “feeder” are we able to be nourished for our spiritual journey.


Holy Spirit Lord, help us to seek Your Word and make it living and active for us.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Contributed by Mike Hoel


