Day 25: Saturday, March 10th, 2018


For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 6:23

FREE GIFT with Purchase?

Do you wonder what you need to do to get to heaven?  I mean this is eternal life with God so you must need to do something really good to get there. Nothing is free. You have to buy it, work for it or do something to show for it. Let’s see, we need to
check off all the boxes:

-Go to church

-Be baptized

-Be confirmed

-Attend Sunday School/ Bible Study

-Follow the rules

-Help people

-Listen to Christian music

-Wear cross jewelry

-Be superior because we do all these things


The list can go on and on of all the things we think we need to do to earn our way to heaven. These are all good things (except the being superior part), and we should do these things to please God. But guess what? You can NEVER earn your way to eternal SALVATION. It is a FREE GIFT from God. It is FREE; there is nothing you can   ever do to get it except believe in Jesus our Savior who God sent to take our punishment. He died and rose again for you so you could live!!! Isn’t that exciting and wonderful news? Jesus conquered death and the grave for you!

Now sometimes this is a hard concept to grasp. We are in a world where you have to earn stuff; nothing is free. This is true for the world, but God is not of the world, and His FREE GIFT is not of the world. God knows we are sinners, and there is no way  we could ever do enough, be it good works or outward signs to earn salvation. If it were up to us, no one would be saved. Praise God that He loves each and every one of us so much that He sent Jesus to save us. 



Dear friends in Christ, take the FREE GIFT. It is everlasting and you do not have to earn it! It is truly FREE when you believe in our Savior Jesus Christ. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Contributed by Laura Dungan

