I was struggling to find the “perfect” devotion for this year. My life is finally in a place that I never thought it would be, settled. So I looked at what happened on the first day of Holy Week, which is the day I had chosen. On that day, Jesus cleared the Temple again of all that shouldn’t have been there. For many years, my husband and I have moved with the military, and, while moving, we searched for a church home. Having little luck, we admittedly bounced around a lot. Only after living in Texas for a bit and my girls getting invited to First Killeen by a friend did we find that Church home. We were hesitant at first, but our girls were so comfortable here, we finally jumped in.
We feel First Killeen is a place where Jesus wouldn’t turn over the tables!
Well, just over six years later, here I am with an amazing church family and our family, has planted roots right here in Killeen.
Loving Father, thank You for giving us a Home. Thank You for clearing out all the negative things and showing us how to stand up for what is good and Holy. Amen.
Contributed by April La Valley