“What came into being through the Word was life, and the life was the light for all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.”
John 1: 4-5
I am 83 years old this year. I was born in the old King’s Daughters Hospital in Temple. Annie Roe Buckley shares a birthday with me as well as Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. As a preschooler, I would sit on her kitchen cabinet watching her prepare meals. In reflecting on my work, I thank God for the guidance God has shown.
I graduated from Southwestern University in Georgetown and applied to go as a missionary for three years. I was a lay preacher and teacher. During that three years, I met and married a missionary nurse from the Philippines, Nina Cepeda. What started out as three years became 25 years. I was not shown more than I needed to know, one step at a time. This covenant relationship was for financial support and prayer support. For 19 years I was assigned to work in Sarawak, and for six years with the ecumenical seminary in Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, serving where needed.
I took the “responsibility” seriously.
We serve an awesome God who calls us and sends us. God prepares us to be witnesses to God’s steadfast love. Amen.
Contributed by Dr. J. Andrew Fowler
- Mar 27, 2018Day 42: Tuesday, March 27th, 2018
Mar 27, 2018Day 42: Tuesday, March 27th, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
“What came into being through the Word was life, and the life was the light for all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.”
John 1: 4-5
I am 83 years old this year. I was born in the old King’s Daughters Hospital in Temple. Annie Roe Buckley shares a birthday with me as well as Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. As a preschooler, I would sit on her kitchen cabinet watching her prepare meals. In reflecting on my work, I thank God for the guidance God has shown.
I graduated from Southwestern University in Georgetown and applied to go as a missionary for three years. I was a lay preacher and teacher. During that three years, I met and married a missionary nurse from the Philippines, Nina Cepeda. What started out as three years became 25 years. I was not shown more than I needed to know, one step at a time. This covenant relationship was for financial support and prayer support. For 19 years I was assigned to work in Sarawak, and for six years with the ecumenical seminary in Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, serving where needed.
I took the “responsibility” seriously.
We serve an awesome God who calls us and sends us. God prepares us to be witnesses to God’s steadfast love. Amen.
Contributed by Dr. J. Andrew Fowler
- Mar 26, 2018Day 41: Monday, March 26th, 2018
Mar 26, 2018Day 41: Monday, March 26th, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 201812 Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He knocked over the tables of the moneychangers and the chairs of those selling doves. 13 He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves!”14 The blind and the lame came to him in the Temple, and he healed them. 15 The leading priests and the teachers of religious law saw these wonderful miracles and heard even the children in the Temple shouting, “Praise God for the Son of David.” But the leaders were indignant. 16 They asked Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?”“Yes,” Jesus replied. “Haven’t you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, ‘You have taught children and infants to give you praise.’” 17 Then he returned to Bethany, where he stayed overnight.Matthew 21:12-17
I was struggling to find the “perfect” devotion for this year. My life is finally in a place that I never thought it would be, settled. So I looked at what happened on the first day of Holy Week, which is the day I had chosen. On that day, Jesus cleared the Temple again of all that shouldn’t have been there. For many years, my husband and I have moved with the military, and, while moving, we searched for a church home. Having little luck, we admittedly bounced around a lot. Only after living in Texas for a bit and my girls getting invited to First Killeen by a friend did we find that Church home. We were hesitant at first, but our girls were so comfortable here, we finally jumped in.
We feel First Killeen is a place where Jesus wouldn’t turn over the tables!
Well, just over six years later, here I am with an amazing church family and our family, has planted roots right here in Killeen.
Loving Father, thank You for giving us a Home. Thank You for clearing out all the negative things and showing us how to stand up for what is good and Holy. Amen.
Contributed by April La Valley
- Mar 25, 2018Day 40: Sunday, March 25th, 2018 (Palm Sunday)
Mar 25, 2018Day 40: Sunday, March 25th, 2018 (Palm Sunday)Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20God, the great story weaver. How things come to be, how things happen, whom you meet, and who fixes your car. Have you ever wondered how all these things happen? In Matthew 28:19-20 God tells us our mission, to make disciples of all nations,baptizing in the name of the holy trinity, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded.
A few years ago, I met this woman, and we started to date. She started to tell me about church, God, and blah blah blah. I so wanted her to be quiet. One thing led to another, and I married this awesome and wonderful woman. I started to go to church, and before you know it, I was teaching Sunday school and raising two wonderful and very different boys. I have met people in the oddest places, and they are now very active people in our church. I have mentored many young men for confirmation.
I look back now, and I can see how all this started. It was not Daphne’s right hook. It was not the fact I did not believe in the church. It was a very good friend of mine. He planted the seed many, many years ago. It started with Him. It grew and grew into something I can see now. How awesome is He who weaves the things in our lives!
Lord, thank You for what You have done, are doing, and going to do. Thank You for all You have done for my family, my church family, my friends, and me. Amen.
Contributed by Eric Madrid
- Mar 23, 2018;Day 39: Saturday, March 24th, 2018
Mar 23, 2018;Day 39: Saturday, March 24th, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
“Two are better than one.”
( Ecclesiastes 4:9)
Two are always better than one. I reminded my good friend of this today. I love that she and I never have to face anything alone. We can call or text each other anytime we need to be more than one. And Scripture verifies this very clearly in Ecclesiastes. Thankfully, we are never alone. God has provided us with the Holy Spirit to minister, comfort and guide us in all we do. We serve an amazingly merciful and comforting God!
Father, You are magnificent and loving. Thank You for reminding us that we are always better with two! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Contributed by Kerry Perez
- Mar 23, 2018Day 38: Friday, March 23rd, 2018
Mar 23, 2018Day 38: Friday, March 23rd, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
Playing When You’re Hurt
Athletes often play when they are hurt. Mentoring expert Fred Smith recounts how a successful businessman once expanded on that thought, “Amateurs can produce when they feel like it. Pros can produce when they don’t feel like it.” Dings, scrapes, and bruises are part of sports. Great players learn to excel despite them. Who can forget Kerri Strug in the ’96 Summer Olympics? With two torn ligaments in her left ankle and the gold medal on the line, she bravely produced a vault that brought Americans to tears and secured a gold medal for the US women’s gymnastics team.
Similarly, we live in an imperfect world where we invariably experience pain and encounter hurt. Try as we might to avoid the wounds, we often find ourselves aching. A bruised ego. A torn relationship. A broken promise. A painful divorce. A job failure. Yet we must also learn to “play hurt.”
Jesus understood living in an imperfect world--coping with pain and overcoming hurt. He didn’t say to His disciples, “In this world you might have trouble,” or “In this words some people have trouble.” No, He assured them, “In this world you will have trouble.”
Before long, Jesus would no longer be with His followers physically. He wanted them to know that while not seeing Him would cause pain, the hurt would be short-lived. In time they would see Him again, feel His presence, and experience His power.
When we are hurting, what does it take for us to reenter the game? As in sports, playing hurt means recognizing that some of our aches and pains are minor - nothing more than the day-to-day bruises that come from living. Brush aside those twinges as quickly as they arise. At other times, our hurts are far more serious, requiring something more. A forgiving heart. A patient attitude. A humble spirit. Most importantly, when we trot back onto the field of life—banged up and bruised—we need to remember that the powerful presence of Jesus accompanies us, prevailing over any pain we might feel.
Dear Heavenly Father, Help us to understand that You are always with us. You will stand by us and lift us up not matter our hurt pain. Be with us as we work through it and live the life You have planned for us. Amen.
Contributed by Bryan Charlton
- Mar 22, 2018Day 37: Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
Mar 22, 2018Day 37: Thursday, March 22nd, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
Whatever has happened — that’s what will happen again; whatever has occurred—that’s what will occur again. There’s nothing new under the sun. People may say about something: “Look at this! It’s new!” But it was already around ages before us. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10)
A man in the land of Uz was named Job. That man was honest, a person of absolute integrity; he feared God and avoided evil. 2 He had seven sons and three daughters, (Job 1:1-2)
21 “But look! My betrayer is with me; his hand is on this table. 22 The Human One goes just as it has been determined. But how terrible it is for that person who betrays him.” 23 They began to argue among themselves about which of them it could possibly be who would do this. 24 An argument broke out among the disciples over which one of them should be regarded as the greatest.25 But Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles rule over their subjects, and those in authority over them are called ‘friends of the people.’ 26 But that’s not the way it will be with you. Instead, the greatest among you must become like a person of lower status and the leader like a servant. 27 So which one is greater, the one who is seated at the table or the one who serves at the table? Isn’t it the one who is seated at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.28 “You are the ones who have continued with me in my trials. 29 And I confer royal power on you just as my Father granted royal power to me.30 Thus you will eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and you will sit on thrones overseeing the twelve tribes of Israel. 31 “Simon, Simon, look! Satan has asserted the right to sift you all like wheat. (Luke 22:21-31)Why Do Bad Things Happen?
The question has been asked by humans for ages. And when I ponder this question for my life or others, the only true answer I get in praying for knowledge is that which I get from seeking God’s word from the Bible. In Ecclesiastes 1: 9-10 we are told that, “that which will be, there is nothing new under the sun.” In Job 1: 1-12 we learn of a good man’s sufferings, but only with permission of God’s will when Satan asked to sift (tempt) him. Also in the writings of Jesus telling Peter, Satan has a desire for him to sift and tempt him (Luke 22: 31-32). Jesus himself said He was praying for him, making sure the power of God’s word concerning Job was also a covering for Peter. Each man suffered the trials of Satan’s siftings. But by God’s permission for a limit to the sufferings, they escaped the death that was meant to be their end.
In my life, I know of trials and temptations I’ve come through and escaped, not by my might or doings, but by the mighty word of God who commanded, “Take not his life.” Of this I can truly testify, for I know that the grace God has given to Job and Peter was passed on to me and others for a testimony of His love for us, and the power of his love and forgiveness for His children.
“God, keep me ever mindful that I am never alone in the snares of the enemy.” Amen.
Contributed by Roosevelt (Pops) Smith
- Mar 21, 2018Day 36: Wednesday, March 21st, 2018
Mar 21, 2018Day 36: Wednesday, March 21st, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
“Nevertheless I am continually with you; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory. (Psalm 74:23-24)
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Life Instructions
I have a wonderful coffee maker, a Keurig, and I have been using it for over a year. It was a Christmas gift from my children. I was so excited to use it that I only read about half of the instructions. In the booklet it stated that I could purchase a reusable pod. So I went to Walmart and purchased one.
After using this for a year, my coffee maker starting giving me a message. On the screen it said oops this pod is not designed for use in this model. So off to Walmart I went again, this time purchasing one made for my Keurig. Upon using the new pod I discovered a whole new set of options I could choose from! A whole year had passed, and I was unaware of these other options. If only I would have taken the time to read my instruction manual. Haven’t we all said or done something like this?
I have heard people often say that life doesn’t come with instructions or that babies don’t come with instructions. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were life instructions? Oh wait….we have been given an instruction manual. God has given us His word for all aspects of life.
Need Direction--Psalm 74:23-24: “Nevertheless I am continually with you; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory.”
Seeking Peace--Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to ME, all you who labor and are heavy laden…….take my yoke upon you…..For MY yoke is easy and My burden light.”
Take the time to read your life instructions; God never fails us. He can guide you in every situation, for He has many names: Healer, Redeemer, Restorer, Mediator, Counselor, Advocate and Lord of Peace.
Dear God, May we always look to You for our life’s instructions. You have given them to us in Your Word; all we have to do is follow them. Amen.
Contributed by Carrie Cardenas
- Mar 20, 2018Day 35: Tuesday, March 20th, 2018
Mar 20, 2018Day 35: Tuesday, March 20th, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”Corinthians 6:18
The months of September and March have always been special for my family. Our first daughter, Missy, was born in September. Fast forward 10 years later, and we were notified in September of 1984 that we were selected to become adoptive parents to our younger daughter –Deana Marie. Then in March the adoption became final and Deana was a full-fledged family member. Of course, we felt that way from the minute she came home with us.
I know that many couples want to have their “own” biological children because of the fear of what they might get with an adopted child. But in our experience over the years as parents who have biological children and who have been foster and adoptive parents, there are no guarantees. Your children can turn out either good or not so much, regardless of how they are raised. What we can do is raise them with as much love as possible and center their lives around the love of God and PRAY HARD.
We are blessed now, having both biological and adoptive grandchildren. We will continue to instill in them, when we can, the love of God and pray that this tradition will continue for generations to come, knowing that God wants to adopt them into His loving family as well.
Father God, we thank You for adopting us into Your family. Help us to continue to love each other as the Family of God. Amen.
Contributed by Dean Honchul
- Mar 19, 2018Day 34: Monday, March 19th, 2018
Mar 19, 2018Day 34: Monday, March 19th, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2The Million Dollar Highway
My Dad was a truck driver. He did long hauls mostly, and I remember as a little girl I knew when dad was home because I had to be quiet and play outside. I remember one of the stories he told was about driving the Million Dollar Highway. This highway is in the state of Colorado, it was built in 1880, and it is part of the San Juan Skyway. It is one of the nation’s most spectacular drives. It is also one of the most dangerous, so if you are driving you will want to watch the road. Forget standard driving safety measures like guardrails and shoulders; there aren’t any on this stretch, so swerving off the road is not advised! The weather on this highway is harsh and highly unpredictable, and it does not take much time for the sunshine to change over to moderate to heavy snowfall. Large eighteen wheel trucks often travel in both directions. My dad said it was the most sobering drive of his career with the hairpin curves and dangerous drop-offs and no guardrails or anywhere to go if you found your truck picking up speed and your brakes just weren’t slowing you down enough. On most highways going through mountains, the truckers have places where they can run off the road into barrels of sand and get the truck stopped, but not on The Million Dollar Highway. My dad said it was the one highway where EVERY trucker prayed, even the unbelievers.
While remembering this story and my dad and what he said about what he called “Praying The Million Dollar Highway,” I wonder why it is that it took a dangerous stretch of highway to get my dad and other truck drivers to pray and turn to God. I also wonder why some wait until Easter to bring their families to church or for us to invite our neighbor or friend. Why is it some only come when life’s hairpin turns, lack of guardrails and shoulders are causing them to turn to God for help? But when the highway of life is smooth and the guardrails are up, they leave the church and we don’t see them until next Easter or when life throws them a hairpin turn they need help with. The “weather” on the highway of life can be harsh and highly unpredictable, and it does not take much for the sunshine to change over to stormy weather. Do you know if your neighbor, friend or the person you see at the local diner every morning is facing the most sobering times in his or her life? Is their life full of hairpin curves and dangerous drop-offs with no guardrails or anywhere to go? You wouldn’t know unless you talked to them, sat down and listened, and maybe, just maybe invite them to church. Be the Hands and Feet of Christ this Lenten season by slowing down and noticing who hasn’t been to church that used to come, and call or send a card. Pick up the phone and call someone you know who doesn’t attend church and invite them to come with you. May you always feel God’s love and presence when dealing with life’s hairpin turns!
Dear Heavenly Father, Guide us through life’s hairpin turns and dangerous drop-offs so that we always know You are there for us. Lead us through the tough times in life so we may come out stronger and more able to help those who need us to support them in their faith. Amen.
Contributed by Laura Winckel
- Mar 18, 2018Day 33: Sunday, March 18th, 2018
Mar 18, 2018Day 33: Sunday, March 18th, 2018Series: Lenten Devotionals 2018
“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2The Million Dollar Highway
My Dad was a truck driver. He did long hauls mostly, and I remember as a little girl I knew when dad was home because I had to be quiet and play outside. I remember one of the stories he told was about driving the Million Dollar Highway. This highway is in the state of Colorado, it was built in 1880, and it is part of the San Juan Skyway. It is one of the nation’s most spectacular drives. It is also one of the most dangerous, so if you are driving you will want to watch the road. Forget standard driving safety measures like guardrails and shoulders; there aren’t any on this stretch, so swerving off the road is not advised! The weather on this highway is harsh and highly unpredictable, and it does not take much time for the sunshine to change over to moderate to heavy snowfall. Large eighteen wheel trucks often travel in both directions. My dad said it was the most sobering drive of his career with the hairpin curves and dangerous drop-offs and no guardrails or anywhere to go if you found your truck picking up speed and your brakes just weren’t slowing you down enough. On most highways going through mountains, the truckers have places where they can run off the road into barrels of sand and get the truck stopped, but not on The Million Dollar Highway. My dad said it was the one highway where EVERY trucker prayed, even the unbelievers.
While remembering this story and my dad and what he said about what he called “Praying The Million Dollar Highway,” I wonder why it is that it took a dangerous stretch of highway to get my dad and other truck drivers to pray and turn to God. I also wonder why some wait until Easter to bring their families to church or for us to invite our neighbor or friend. Why is it some only come when life’s hairpin turns, lack of guardrails and shoulders are causing them to turn to God for help? But when the highway of life is smooth and the guardrails are up, they leave the church and we don’t see them until next Easter or when life throws them a hairpin turn they need help with. The “weather” on the highway of life can be harsh and highly unpredictable, and it does not take much for the sunshine to change over to stormy weather. Do you know if your neighbor, friend or the person you see at the local diner every morning is facing the most sobering times in his or her life? Is their life full of hairpin curves and dangerous drop-offs with no guardrails or anywhere to go? You wouldn’t know unless you talked to them, sat down and listened, and maybe, just maybe invite them to church. Be the Hands and Feet of Christ this Lenten season by slowing down and noticing who hasn’t been to church that used to come, and call or send a card. Pick up the phone and call someone you know who doesn’t attend church and invite them to come with you. May you always feel God’s love and presence when dealing with life’s hairpin turns!
Dear Heavenly Father, Guide us through life’s hairpin turns and dangerous drop-offs so that we always know You are there for us. Lead us through the tough times in life so we may come out stronger and more able to help those who need us to support them in their faith. Amen.
Contributed by Laura Winckel