Day 2: Thursday March 2, 2017 James 1:2-4
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
We’ve all had one of those days when nothing seems to go right. A few weeks ago, I experienced one of these. That Sunday started out perfectly normal--I got up, got my kids and myself ready for church and headed to work. After the three services were over, I grabbed my kids from the nursery and headed home to get clothes changed and get the kids to their dad’s house for their Sunday visit and to take his dog, Dozer, back to him as I had been dog sitting while he was out of town. I rounded everyone up and got everyone in the car and we headed out. About one block from my house, on Elms Road, my car decided to just come to a stop and completely shut off. (Luckily, we got into the turn lane before it happened, so we were all safe from traffic.)
I was beside myself as I had no clue what happened. So I picked up the phone and called a good friend, Tony La Valley, who came and helped me get my car home. I called the kids’ dad, and he came to get them. Then Tony and I spent four hours attempting to find the problem; we also called Eric Madrid to come assist. After those four long hours, there was no solution, so I had to call the next day and have my car towed to the shop, only to find out that the fuel pump had gone out and that major repairs were needed. Luckily, with help from my insurance and from Ace Turland, I was able to get my car repairs scheduled and to get a rental car so that life could carry on as normal.
Although I was very upset when it initially occurred, I have to say that I worked to find the positives in the situation. I am truly blessed to have such great friends from this church to assist me as this trouble occurred. I am also blessed to have car insurance to allow me to continue working and going to school. Above all, I am blessed to have God with me always to hear my troubles and my praises. Without him, I would never have been led to this great church and met all of these wonderful people.
- Mar 2, 2017Day 2: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Mar 2, 2017Day 2: Thursday, March 2, 2017Series: Lenten Devotionals 2017
Day 2: Thursday March 2, 2017 James 1:2-4
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
We’ve all had one of those days when nothing seems to go right. A few weeks ago, I experienced one of these. That Sunday started out perfectly normal--I got up, got my kids and myself ready for church and headed to work. After the three services were over, I grabbed my kids from the nursery and headed home to get clothes changed and get the kids to their dad’s house for their Sunday visit and to take his dog, Dozer, back to him as I had been dog sitting while he was out of town. I rounded everyone up and got everyone in the car and we headed out. About one block from my house, on Elms Road, my car decided to just come to a stop and completely shut off. (Luckily, we got into the turn lane before it happened, so we were all safe from traffic.)
I was beside myself as I had no clue what happened. So I picked up the phone and called a good friend, Tony La Valley, who came and helped me get my car home. I called the kids’ dad, and he came to get them. Then Tony and I spent four hours attempting to find the problem; we also called Eric Madrid to come assist. After those four long hours, there was no solution, so I had to call the next day and have my car towed to the shop, only to find out that the fuel pump had gone out and that major repairs were needed. Luckily, with help from my insurance and from Ace Turland, I was able to get my car repairs scheduled and to get a rental car so that life could carry on as normal.
Although I was very upset when it initially occurred, I have to say that I worked to find the positives in the situation. I am truly blessed to have such great friends from this church to assist me as this trouble occurred. I am also blessed to have car insurance to allow me to continue working and going to school. Above all, I am blessed to have God with me always to hear my troubles and my praises. Without him, I would never have been led to this great church and met all of these wonderful people.
Prayer: Father God, help me rise above my circumstances, choose joy, and find something to smile about. Even in the midst of a difficult day, Lord, help me have a joyful heart while the experiences You allow build character in my heart and produce beauty in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Contributed by Lauren Moffatt - Mar 1, 2017Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Mar 1, 2017Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017Series: Lenten Devotionals 2017
Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017 John 12:26
“Whoever wants to serve me must follow me, so that my servant will be with me wherever I am. And my Father will honor anyone who serves me.”
This past October 19, 2016, I received a text from my sixteen-year-old granddaughter, Mackenzy: (M). “Hey Nana (N), are you busy?” she said. (M) No, just watching a debate on TV, I said. (N) “I’m currently at church with my church group, and I’m wanting to recommit myself to God. I have always looked up to you as an example for my faith, so I just wanted you to be a part of this journey.” (M) I said, sure, my love, I’d be honored! (N) “My immediate thought was, “so you could just keep me in your prayers and I’d love to pray with you the next time we’re together.” (M) Tearfully I said, of course, my love, I’m praying for you right now and would love to pray with you anytime! (N) “Thank you Nana, I love you so much!” (M) I love you and it means the world to me that you have God in your life.” (N)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for ALWAYS being there for us, guiding us to stay in Your light and to follow You. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that is in us and stirs mightily in us when it is time to recommit our lives to You! Amen.Contributed by Patricia Vassaur
- Mar 1, 2017Lent Devotion Day 1 – Patricia Vassaur
Mar 1, 2017Lent Devotion Day 1 – Patricia VassaurSeries: Lenten Devotionals 2017
Day 1: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017 John 12:26
“Whoever wants to serve me must follow me, so that my servant will be with me wherever I am. And my Father will honor anyone who serves me.”
This past October 19, 2016, I received a text from my sixteen-year-old granddaughter, Mackenzy: (M). “Hey Nana (N), are you busy?” she said. (M) No, just watching a debate on TV, I said. (N) “I’m currently at church with my church group, and I’m wanting to recommit myself to God. I have always looked up to you as an example for my faith, so I just wanted you to be a part of this journey.” (M) I said, sure, my love, I’d be honored! (N) “My immediate thought was, “so you could just keep me in your prayers and I’d love to pray with you the next time we’re together.” (M) Tearfully I said, of course, my love, I’m praying for you right now and would love to pray with you anytime! (N) “Thank you Nana, I love you so much!” (M) I love you and it means the world to me that you have God in your life.” (N)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for ALWAYS being there for us, guiding us to stay in Your light and to follow You. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that is in us and stirs mightily in us when it is time to recommit our lives to You! Amen.Contributed by Patricia Vassaur
- Dec 4, 2016The Gift of New Understanding
Dec 4, 2016The Gift of New UnderstandingBy: Jeff MillerSeries: All I Want For ChristmasToday, Pastor Jeff examines the response of Mary to God telling her she would give birth to his son versus our reaction. Mary lives as though it has already happened and we live as if it has not happened yet.
- Nov 27, 2016The Gift of Good News
Nov 27, 2016The Gift of Good NewsSeries: All I Want For Christmas
Letter from the Pastor:
It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year already! Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the time when we prepare our hearts and lives for the coming of Christ. But if you’re anything like me, the first Sunday of Advent also gets me to thinking about preparing in other ways… gifts!... namely, those gifts I have not yet gotten! Shopping this week has led me to think about who all I need to find gifts for, what everyone will most like and want, and even reminds me of those funny gifts we never knew we really wanted. I reminisce about all the many gifts I have received, too, and how many of my most exciting, most precious gifts proved to be less than all I’d hoped. Fortunately, as Christians we recognize the greatest of gifts cannot be purchased, truly fits all, and will never go out of style, and at Christmas we are reminded to celebrate that gift every single day – the gift of Jesus Christ and the salvation that is offered through him! So, in the midst of all the gifting, may we be reminded of the gift of Good News in Jesus Christ. Now that’s some really Good News, and truly the most wonderful gift of all!
Pastor Alison
- Nov 23, 2016Where are the Other Nine?
Nov 23, 2016Where are the Other Nine?Series: Thanksgiving GuestAs we approach the week of Thanksgiving, we are pleased to welcome Rev. Charles Robinson as our guest speaker. Today, we will hear the story of the ten lepers and take time to examine whether we are like the one leper who returned to Jesus to say thank you or the other nine who were healed and disappeared without expressing their gratitude.
- Nov 13, 2016A Soldier’s Journey
Nov 13, 2016A Soldier’s JourneyBy: Dean HonchulSeries: Veterans Day ServiceAs we come to worship today and to celebrate all of our Veterans, we are blessed to have LTC(Ret.) Dean Honchul speak to us about his faith has impacted his life and his military career.
- Nov 6, 2016Last Call
Nov 6, 2016Last CallBy: Jeff MillerSeries: ChurchIn the last segment of our Church Series, Pastor Jeff regaled us with the tale and Norm and his love for his bar stool. In comparison, our love for Jesus is much the same. As Norm says, we can never be unfaithful to our one true love. Jesus stands by us unconditionally and without him the church would never be the church.
- Oct 30, 2016In the Bar, But Not of It
Oct 30, 2016In the Bar, But Not of ItBy: Alison ZollingerSeries: ChurchSam’s career as a relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox came to an end because he was an alcoholic. Now ironically, he owns a bar. Each day Sam lives in an environment of his past, yet he is not victim to his past. He doesn’t avoid bars; he spends his days in one. He spends his days in bars but does not engage in the usual bar activities.
This is a great example of what it means to be in the world but not of it. We as Christians are to be in the world; we are not to be separatist. Jesus said to go into the world to make disciples and that we are to be his witnesses in the world.
- Oct 23, 2016“You- Sitting in the Pew Next to Me”
Oct 23, 2016“You- Sitting in the Pew Next to Me”By: Theater ActorsSeries: Church
Today we experience a Reader’s Theater titled “You Sitting in the Pew Next to Me".
We experience overhearing the thoughts of four people sitting in the pew next to each other.
Thank you to our Readers: Amy Triggs, Lauren Moffatt, Sarah Stone andSteven Burnette