Our worship is an opportunity to let the Holy Spirit guide your faith through scripture, music and equip you to live out your witness in your daily life. Worship services are held in our Sanctuary, where you will experience Bible-centered worship. Services can also be watched online through the videos below, or on Facebook or YouTube. We hope you will join us this Sunday morning.
Worship is an opportunity to let the Holy Spirit guide your faith through scripture, music, and the sermon and equip you to live out our witness in your daily life.
7:45 AM & 10:00 AM
Usually months with a 5th Sunday we have ONE SERVICE at 10:00 AM followed by a brunch in the fellowship hall. From time to time we may have special services throughout the year that we will combine services as well. Please join us!
Sunday morning classes
We offer a variety of adult Sunday school classes at 8:45 AM that seek to bring faith to life through Biblical study, fellowship, and discussion.
All children are welcome in any of our worship services, and we have a Children’s Message at the 10:00 AM service each Sunday. Parents, please take your child(ren) into the service with you, and then the children will be led to their small group area after Children’s Time in the Sanctuary. Nursery care is available in room 104 for ages newborn to 3 years old (no RSVP required) at both the 7:45 AM and 10:00 AM. services.
All children are welcome in any of our worship services, and we have a Children’s Message at the 10:00 AM service each Sunday. Parents, please take your child(ren) into the service with you, and then the children will be led to their small group area after Children’s Time in the Sanctuary. Nursery care is available in room 104 for ages newborn to 3 years old (no RSVP required) at both the 7:45 AM and 10:00 AM. services.
Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of each month at all worship services.
Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of each month at all worship services.
Offerings are accepted during each service, or you can give online at your convenience!